VIRTUAL Winter Solstice 108 Sun Salutations & Yin
4:00 PM16:00

VIRTUAL Winter Solstice 108 Sun Salutations & Yin

During the time of the longest night, let’s unite virtually with yogis across the globe to celebrate the important Winter Solstice of 2020! Our guides, Meghan Maris & Anne Witmer, will lead us through a ritual repetition of 108 sun salutations followed by a deep, yin practice & meditation. Together we will generate potent energy and direct it to bring more light and healing into the world.

Taught by Meghan Maris and Anne Witmer
This workshop is offered on a sliding scale of either $20 or $30. Please pay what you can.

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VIRTUAL Summer Solstice 108 Sun Salutations & Yin
8:00 AM08:00

VIRTUAL Summer Solstice 108 Sun Salutations & Yin

During this time of challenge & isolation, let’s unite virtually with yogis across the globe to celebrate the important Summer Solstice of 2020! Our guides, Meghan Maris & Anne Witmer, will lead us through a ritual repetition of 108 sun salutations followed by a deep, yin practice & meditation. Together we will generate potent energy and direct it to bring more light and healing into our world.

Through a generous donation to the studio, we are currently offering discounted rates for this workshop. If $20 is a barrier to entry, please pay us what you can and we will cover the rest. This offer is first come, first served and spaces are limited. Please email us for details and to claim your spot.

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VIRTUAL Book Club: Inside the Yoga Sutras by Reverend Jaganath Carrera
to May 1

VIRTUAL Book Club: Inside the Yoga Sutras by Reverend Jaganath Carrera

  • Zoom Virtual Classroom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Virtually join the Yoga Bhoga Teacher Training Program and Meghan Maris for an in-depth study of Reverend Jaganath Carrera’s, Inside the Yoga Sutras: A Comprehensive Sourcebook for the Study and Practice of Patanjali’s Yoga Sturas. The Yoga Sutras are a practical step-by-step guide towards understanding why and how to eliminate suffering in our lives. Each sutra is concise, but steeped in rich meaning and deep implications. Because the Yoga Sturas' focus is the mind, these teachings are universal and relevant to all despite cultural, ethnic or religious differences.

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Restorative Yoga - Postponed Due to COVID-19
3:00 PM15:00

Restorative Yoga - Postponed Due to COVID-19

As a preventative measure we have postponed this workshop. We will continue to assess the ongoing COVID-19 virus and reschedule when appropriate.

Are you feeling stressed out, overworked, and exhausted? Give yourself the gift of a deep dive into a Restorative Yoga practice. Through the support of props, each restorative posture, held for 10-20 minutes, is designed to nourish your body and mind, build resiliency in your nervous system, and leave you feeling refreshed and renewed.

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Winter Imagination Yoga
to Mar 19

Winter Imagination Yoga

  • Yoga Bhoga - Belmont St. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this fun and interactive 2-class series your child will kinesthetically learn important life skills through breath and movement. Along with our yoga adventures we will be working on showing kindness to plants, animals, other humans and, most importantly, ourselves.

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Yoga Conditioning for the Neck, Shoulders & Upper Back
2:00 PM14:00

Yoga Conditioning for the Neck, Shoulders & Upper Back

Do you want to relieve stress and tension in your neck, shoulders and upper back? Do you want more strength and stability in chaturanga, arm balances or inversions? Or maybe you simply want some relief of discomfort in your daily life off the mat. You’re not alone. These areas of the body can be tricky to take care of in yoga asana, but have no fear! This workshop will give you the information you need to begin to work more skillfully with your body. You’ll learn functional strengthening and mobilizing techniques, with fun adaptations of traditional yoga asanas and other exercises.

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Book Club: The Bhagavad Gita
to Mar 13

Book Club: The Bhagavad Gita

  • Yoga Bhoga - Water Ave (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the Yoga Bhoga Teacher Training Program for an in-depth study of The Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaren. The Bhagavad Gita, which translates to “Song of the Spirit,” is one of the classical texts of the yogic tradition. The scripture takes place on a battlefield and can be viewed as an allagory of the inner battles we all struggle with on a daily basis. The Gita can be thought of as a handbook helping us to navigate the delicate dance of the forces of light and darkness. Each week, our readings will be accompanied by several questions which will guide our discussions. Come build community amongst other individuals desiring to learn more about the yoga tradition. 

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Tu B'Shvat // 'the Jewish Earth Day:' A Special Yoga Practice for Repairing the World
3:00 PM15:00

Tu B'Shvat // 'the Jewish Earth Day:' A Special Yoga Practice for Repairing the World

This practice is being offered in collaboration with The Portland Jewish Yoga Collective. Tu B’Shvat is a Jewish holiday best known as the new year of the trees or the “Jewish Earth Day.” But at the heart of this holiday is the important Jewish value of tikkun olam, or repairing the world. Through active movement and steady restorative practice we will celebrate the practice of tikkun olam by both taking action and turning inward. Please wear clothes that help you feel comfortable breathing deeply and moving freely.

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Yoga Conditioning for the Hips & Legs
2:00 PM14:00

Yoga Conditioning for the Hips & Legs

Do your hips ache after a few breaths in Warrior 3 or Half Moon? Do you want better balance on and off your mat? Or maybe you sit for work all day and your hips and legs need some love? This workshop is just what the yoga teacher ordered! We’ll play with Therabands and massage balls in yoga asana and other exercises, empowering you with the tools you need to transform your body and posture practice. Come learn and play together in community!

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Yoga for Anxiety
2:00 PM14:00

Yoga for Anxiety

Do you know how to cope with your acute and chronic anxiety? Through yoga postures, mindfulness and breathing exercises, you will learn daily tools that combine modern neuroscience and yoga to build resiliency in the nervous system.

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Book Club: Light on Life by B.K.S Iyengar
to Feb 7

Book Club: Light on Life by B.K.S Iyengar

  • Yoga Bhoga - Water Ave. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the Yoga Bhoga Teacher Training Program for an in-depth study of Light on Life by B.K.S Iyengar. This modern synthesis of yoga is an excellent study for both the novice and experienced yoga practitioner. Explore the meaning of yogic traditions through reading guides, writing, and discussions. This book club meets 4 times: January 17th, 24th, 31st and February 7th (Fridays).

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Yoga Conditioning for the Core
2:00 PM14:00

Yoga Conditioning for the Core

Strong and mobile back and abdominal muscles are the key to tapping into our power in all of our movements, whether on the mat or in our day-to-day life. In this creative and playful workshop, we’ll explore these muscles, and learn new and more refined ways to tone. Did you know the muscles of the pelvic floor are the foundation of our core strength? Get ready to nerd out in anatomy land and then dive into lots of fun practice. If you’re ready to learn to access your deep core strengtheners, stabilize your sacroiliac joints, or press up into a handstand, or you’re going to freak out if you do another boring crunch, this workshop is just the ticket!

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Winter Solstice: 108 Salutation
4:00 PM16:00

Winter Solstice: 108 Salutation

Celebrate the longest night of the year by saluting the sun 108 times. The salutations will be followed by a soothing Yin practice to internalize the energy and bring the heat & light inside. This practice is an opportunity to honor the return of the light, set intentions, and shed old and limiting patterns while at the same time learning to embrace the magic of the dark.

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Breitenbush Yoga Retreat: Darkness, Stillness & Rest
to Dec 18

Breitenbush Yoga Retreat: Darkness, Stillness & Rest

  • Breitenbush Hot Springs (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Anne Witmer & Meghan Maris for a 3 night yoga retreat at Breitenbush Hotsprings. This retreat will be a much needed break from our mass media driven culture and will provide the senses an opportunity to rest. Just as our bodies benefit from cleanses and fasts, so too, the mind and the senses benefit from a sensory cleanse. The darker days of December, the natural landscape free of noise, pollution and daily distractions and the daily practices of yoga will provide us the opportunity to restore and rejuvenate our bodies, senses and mind.   

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Winter Morning Yoga Immersion - The Intention is Love
to Dec 5

Winter Morning Yoga Immersion - The Intention is Love

  • Yoga Bhoga - Water Ave. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Winter Morning Immersion is your opportunity to create a positive start to the New Year. It is an opportunity to witness the power of transformation through committed practice and the support of community. The purpose of all yoga practice is to uncover all of our thoughts and behavioral patterns which block our highest and true Self which is nothing other than pure, unconditional LOVE!

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Awakening Saraswati: Explore Your Voice through Yoga and Chanting
1:00 PM13:00

Awakening Saraswati: Explore Your Voice through Yoga and Chanting

Every human being has a unique voice and boundless potential for confident, clear, and creative self-expression. This potential can be left untapped, hidden by struggles of self-doubt, embarrassment, and fear of speaking our truth. During this workshop, we will explore our innate human right to speak and be heard. Through breathing, moving, and being still; chanting, listening, and being quiet; we will invoke Saraswati, goddess of language, insight, and creativity, and learn to embrace the power of our own voices.

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Autumn Yin Intensive: The Element of Metal & the Art of Letting Go
2:00 PM14:00

Autumn Yin Intensive: The Element of Metal & the Art of Letting Go

Leonard Cohen famously wrote that it is through the ”cracks” caused by pain and loss that the “light” of healing is able to enter our lives. This is the lesson we learn in working with the Chinese Medicine element of metal. Come learn more about metal energy and how it affects us physically and psychologically during the Autumn season and how Yin Yoga can help you strengthen your metal chi to create greater courage & resilience.

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Day of the Dead Celebration
1:00 PM13:00

Day of the Dead Celebration

During the chill of late autumn it is believed by cultures throughout the world that the veil between the living and the dead is at it thinnest. Through prayer and ritual in their honor, we may feel the presence of our deceased loved ones. Join Anne Witmer and Meghan Maris to celebrate all of those who have gone before us with this unique and heart centering event.

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to Oct 25


Join Meghan Maris for this dive into George Fruersteins over-arching text on yoga, yoga traditions, yoga in modern society, and yogis philosophy. For those who are newer to yoga or who want to learn the history with great depth this can be such a dynamic way to learn. Join the community of Yoga Bhoga for rich discussions and more.

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Harvest Moon Celebration
7:00 PM19:00

Harvest Moon Celebration

Come celebrate the biggest full moon of the year and the arrival of Fall with an extra-special, lunar  yoga practice! Join Anne Witmer and Meghan Maris for a Harvest Moon celebration at our Water Avenue Studio. Together we will create a living mandala while we pay homage to the moon and all she represents. Our practice will include Chandra Namaskar (the moon salutation) and deep, hip -opening, yin poses. We will share some moon lore and complete a magical, full -moon ritual. Come out and howl with us!

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Late Summer Yin Intensive: The Element of Earth
2:00 PM14:00

Late Summer Yin Intensive: The Element of Earth

According to Chinese Medicine, after the peak of Yang energy in summer and prior to the arrival of the Yin season in Autumn, there is a unique “5th season” in  late summer, governed by the element of Earth. Earth energy provides a stabilizing force during times of transition.  In this workshop we will learn how to strengthen and mobilize our earth energy through specific yin poses that target the meridians and organs governed by earth.

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September Challenge
to Sep 30

September Challenge

If you attend any YOGA CLASS at Yoga Bhoga you are automatically entered to win! Place a happy star sticker next to your name on our studio poster board for every class you attend in September. You could win $10 bhoga bucks, an exclusive September Challenge t-shirt, or a Manduka mat!

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Watercolor Basics
1:00 PM13:00

Watercolor Basics

Get out of your yoga clothes and try a new kind of workshop this August. Bring your Chakra's to life with this first of its kind art class! In this workshop you will receive insight on watercolor tools and paper, as well as various tricks & tips. With these skills you will create your very own Chakra system using a different watercolor technique for each chakra!

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Inside Out
1:00 PM13:00

Inside Out

How many times have you heard the word Alignment in class? Have you ever thought you understood how proper alignment looks and feels, only to find yourself more baffled than before? This workshop is a deep dive into the world of alignment beyond the surface, what it means, and how the entire body supports it.

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The Yogi's Garden
1:30 PM13:30

The Yogi's Garden

The garden is fertile ground for valuable metaphors and invaluable lessons. ‘Lettuce’ harness nature’s wisdom, exploring the life cycle of a plant - seed, leaf, flower, fruit, and back to seed again -  through movement, stillness, body, and breath. Bringing the garden to the studio, together, we will get our hands dirty, planting metaphorical AND literal seeds. Learn some gardening basics and bring a new potted plant friend home with you!

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Summer Yin Intensive: The Element of Fire
2:30 PM14:30

Summer Yin Intensive: The Element of Fire

Summertime and the living is easy… That is, If your fire energy (chi) is strong and balanced!

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the element of fire is dominant during summer when the sun (the ultimate source of fire energy) is at it’s strongest. Strong fire chi manifests within us as love, laughter, vitality and enthusiasm for life and allows us to be warm and generous towards one another. When our fire chi is weak we become bored with life, feel depressed and struggle with social relationships.

During this two hour workshop you will learn how certain yin poses can be used to strengthen and balance your internal fire energy. This practice, along with breath-work and guided meditation, will help you open your heart to more joy and love and reignite your passion and vitality.

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