During our time together (from the safety of our own homes) we will read the first two chapters of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. It is within these two chapters that we learn what yoga is, how our mind functions, for better or worse, and practical practices which work with the mind so it becomes a vehicle for our liberation. Patanjali is often referred to as the “Father of Yoga,” but this title can be misleading as he was not the creator of yoga. Instead, Pajanjali systamtised the teachings of yoga up to his time into short and concise statements which could be memorised by the student. The sutras are the threads of yoga weaving the tradition together into a pragmatic path. Today the terms “classical yoga,” “raja yoga,” and “ashtanga or 8 limbed yoga” all refer to Patanjali’s yoga or the Yoga Sutras. The Yoga Sutras Book Club will highlight key yogic teachings and provide the student with historical and theoretical context.
This workshop is for any enthusiast of yoga seeking a deeper understanding of the fundamental philosophies of the practice. Each week’s readings will be accompanied by several questions which will guide the weekly discussions. There is much to be learned from hearing one another’s insights and questions. The discussions are uplifting and build community with other individuals desiring to learn more about the yoga tradition.
Students should wear comfortable clothing to sit on the floor and have a copy of their book, a pen and notebook available. Please make sure to have Reverend Jaganath Carrera’s, Inside The Yoga Sutras, as there are many versions of the Yoga Sutras and translations vary.
Week 1: Chapter 1, Part 1 - read through sutra 1.29
Week 2: Chapter 1, Part 2 - finish chapter 1
Week 3: Chapter 2, Part 1 - read through 2.27
Week 4: Chapter 2, Part 2 - finish chapter 2