New Student Guide

Yoga Bhoga is a community of passionate, knowledgeable, and experienced teachers! We blend the ancient traditions of yoga with a modern approach to movement, breathing, and philosophy. We offer affordable large group classes in studio and virtually. We also offer small group classes (limited to 6 students) so yogis can progress their practice with customized and in-depth study. If you are a beginner, we'll help you build a solid foundation. If you have a regular practice, you'll appreciate our depth and attention to detail. Either way, expect to grow and transform in new and unexpected ways.

We have two locations in the Portland Metro Area: 4220 SE Belmont Street and 3808 N Williams Ave. These spaces are also home to Cascadia Pilates. All memberships give you access to both Yoga and Pilates.

All students will be asked to fill out our liability waiver and questionnaire. This will continue to help us provide impactful education services for you! SIGN LIABILITY WAIVER NOW

What is Yoga?

Yoga Student in Vrksasana (Tree) Pose
  • In the studio Yoga is… Yoga is a collection of breath and physical techniques done in private sessions or classes. Students work on individual mats in an open room. Through the guidance of a teacher, a student practices postures but is encouraged to bring heightened mental awareness to every moment. Keep in mind that there are many approaches, paces, and tones to yoga so we encourage you to read more about our class descriptions and select what is right for you.

  • In History Yoga is… The word yoga comes from the sanskrit word yuj, meaning to yoke. In the practice of yoga, we aim to yoke or unite the energetic forces with the mental forces. Historic texts, some from over 2,000 years ago, include information not only about asana (the physical practice that we are most familiar with in the studio setting), but also include detailed instructions on purification practices, breathwork, mantras, and meditation. Texts by Sri Patanjali and the Buddha emphasized the importance of meditation and ethical practices above all others. In response, Hatha yogis believed people crave discipline but also avoid it, thus creating further divide in our psyche if we try to “will” ourselves into meditation and ethical behavior. That is why Hatha yoga is the purification of the physical body and its elements. When the mind and the subtle energies are balanced, the practices of self-control unfold naturally. Hatha yoga begins with the physical body, the outer layer of our personality. When control of the physical body is established, one is able to control the subtle prana, and with control of the prana, the mind is controlled. When the prana and mental energies come into harmony, a higher state of consciousness is realized. At Yoga Bhoga, we emphasize a hatha practice that helps students unravel their self-control naturally.

  • To our teachers yoga is...

    • Meghan Maris says “Yoga is the practice which dismantles all that we are not so we can embrace the highest Truth that we are”

    • Scott Lennartz says “Yoga is hard”

    • Emily Light says “Yoga is an appropriate response”

    • Krista Loveless says “Yoga is the path to all the world which is all of us”

    • Student Ellie Brown says “Yoga is skill in action”

What Type of Class Should I Take?

  • Class Activity Level: All classes are open to all students but have varying activity levels including gentle, active, and vigorous. You can read more about our class levels and types to find a class that fits your needs and expectations. Visit the classes page for more specific class descriptions.

  • Teachers Style: Yoga Bhoga + Cascadia Pilates hire the best of the best teachers but that doesn’t mean they are the same. If you are looking for a specific kind of teacher, check out our team page to learn about each individual.

  • Injured, pregnant or other?: If you are recovering from injury or feeling more timid about the studio, we strongly advise starting with private sessions (1:1 teacher to student ratio) or small group classes (1:6 ratio) so that your teacher can provide you specific and appropriate feedback perfect for your unique needs. If you have more questions about which specific classes will be the best fit, email the front desk for suggestions.

First Visit

  • Please arrive 10 minutes early to complete simple paperwork. 

  • Be sure to speak with the teacher about any special requests or expectations you may have.

Before Class

  • What to wear?: Clothing should allow a full range of movement including twisting and bending, comfortable and stretchy but not too loose. Cubbies are available to store personal belongings.

    • Footwear for Pilates: Pilates is often practiced with toe sox (socks with grips on the bottom) for traction and safety. You can also take classes barefoot if you prefer. Studio shoes (shoes that are not worn outside in our pacific northwest rainy weather) are also welcome on the CoreAlign equipment.

  • What to bring?: Just you :-). It can be nice to have a water bottle and your own mat for Yoga or Pilates mat classes. Free mats are available as well as a wide variety of props including blocks, straps, rings, and more!

  • Avoid: Strong perfume, essential oils, and other scents. Respect the space and your fellow students by keeping your space and body clean and odor-free.

  • Eating & Drinking: For some it is a good idea to avoid eating too close to class time. A little water is okay, but too much liquid can feel uncomfortable.

Once You Arrive

  • Electronic devices: Please turn off your cell phone. If you are on call, please have your phone on vibrate.

  • Communicate: Let your instructor know if you have any injuries, limitations, or concerns so they can accommodate. Modifications are available for any student who needs it. 

During Class

  • Trust yourself: Teachers are here to provide a class full of suggestions and recommendations. But some of those suggestions may not feel right for you that day. Never hesitate to take a rest when you need a rest.

  • Showing up late?: Being on time is great, but sometimes life happens. If you are late, enter the space quietly and join the class trying to minimize disruption. Take a few warm-up movements and then enter the teacher's sequence when you are ready.

After Class

  • Clean: Cleaning spray and towels are available to wipe down equipment, mats, and props used during class. Please wipe up any moisture from the spray off the floor as the oils can accumulate making for a slippery scenario. Please neatly return your props to their storage space.

  • Take your belongings: Don't forget to take all of your belongings home with you. We do have a lost and found in case you have one of those spacey days.