Join massage therapist, and pilates and yoga certified instructor Savanna Wonderwheel for 2hrs of fascial release goodness. Start to release those pesky areas of fascial tightness and learn how to let go of grip patterns so that you can find more freedom in your flow. This workshop will be spent rolling out your muscles and stretching the facial lines of your body from your feet to your head. You'll leave with plenty of tips and tricks you can take with you anywhere you and your body go!
For a little more information from Savanna about fascia and why you might care about doing release work for it read on...
Our fascial tissue can become stuck, tight, restricted, develop adhesions and just cause general tension in the body due to repetitive holding patterns, habitual compensations, previous injury, and trauma (both physical and emotional). Fascial restrictions can affect our flexibility, stability and have a factor in our ability to withstand physical stresses and perform daily activities. Because this system has no starting or stopping point when we develop these restrictions in one area of the body they will have an affect on other areas as well.
Now in a perfect world we would all have free flowing fascia with no restrictions or adhesions within the system but we most certainly don’t live in a perfect world and I can only speak for myself but I know I am definitely not a perfect being. I would also guess that one of the reasons you come to your yoga or pilates classes is because you would also agree with my last statement …. A quote that I have heard from a handful of teachers over the years that has stuck with me is that “our issues live in our tissues” and if our fascia surrounds all of our tissues when it becomes damaged this will influence how we feel on both a physical and energetic level.
To help ease some of these tensions or adhesions we turn to fascial release work. This can be done in a variety of ways. Now don’t get me wrong, there is definitely something to be said for all of the stretching that we do throughout any general yoga or pilates class. Stretching the muscles and joints will certainly help release fascial tightness but sometimes it’s nice to dig a little bit deeper. That’s where manual release work done through self massage (or massage therapy) comes into play. Manual release is one of the best ways I’ve found to work with the fascia and is hugely beneficial for the general health and wellbeing of the body. By practicing fascial release we work we are not only affecting the fascia but everything that it comes in contact with (which is pretty much all of our insides!) as a result, the muscles, ligament and energetic pathways of our bodies will also feel a sense of ease and release. Gentle compression and pressure from either ball rolling, foam rolling, or massage therapy will help to smooth out the fascial tissue and restore a sense of freedom within our bodies.
This Workshop Costs $35