According to Chinese Medicine, after the peak of Yang energy in summer and prior to the arrival of the Yin season in Autumn, there is a unique “5th season” in late summer, governed by the element of Earth. Earth energy provides a stabilizing force during times of transition. When our Earth Chi is strong, we feel grounded and at ease, and we are able to appreciate living in the present moment. When are earth Chi is weak, the mind is unsettled and consumed with worry. This can show up in the body as digestive issues, over or under eating and general dullness & lethargy. In this workshop we will learn how to strengthen and mobilize our earth energy through specific yin poses that target the meridians and organs governed by earth (stomach & spleen). Through meditation and self-inquiry, we will work to quiet the voices of worry and anxiety and cultivate a deep sense of inner contentment.
This workshop costs $35