Yoga is seeing a big surge in popularity today and for good reason. It not only serves as a great form of exercise, but it can do a great deal to relieve stress as well. Yoga could even be used as pain relief in some circumstances Whoever you are, there is probably a good reason why introducing these ten yoga poses into your exercise routine would be beneficial.If you would like to give it a try, here are ten common yoga poses.
Read moreThe Realistic Sadhana
We have all been told starting the morning with exercise or eating right will benefit your health and increase your energy levels throughout your day. Yet, for many of us, getting out of bed is hard and getting out of bed to exercise, do yoga, or meditate is even harder. Before I was a mother, I was able to do two things without much thought: 1) wake-up early and be active and 2) go workout later in the day (if necessary).
Read moreThe Asana of Our Physical Nature
n our physical body we experience the world. In our body we make love, hug a friend, fidget, get mad, anxious or stressed. In our body we feel a breeze, swim in the ocean, sing, laugh, dance and cry. In our body we repress emotions, hold tension, hate ourselves and love others. Although our body is the vehicle in which our spirit experiences the world, there continues to be ongoing discussion regarding Western yoga as a purely physical practice, or posture (asana) focused. I feel we need the physical practice to build the strength and flexibility to be able to withstand the nuances and complexities that are life.
Read moreThe In and Out of Breathing
Mindful breathing brings attention to the strength necessary to maintain spinal stability: when we inhale our spine flexes, as we exhale our spine contracts. Maintaining aware of the relationship between our spine, our pelvic floor, and our diaphragm enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of all our bodily movements, especially breathing.
Read moreYoga Soup For the Soul
When I was eighteen years old, yoga was an attractive physical practice to me for many reasons. It appeared to be the perfect balance between my two favorite things in the world; throwing my body around the stage during rehearsals, and would also wake up early in the morning to get my heart rate up by jogging through the neighborhood right before the sun rose that by the end of my school day my body was so worked my limbs felt like Jello. I needed something strengthening, toning, integrative, and creative. I loved dance but I knew I wasn’t going to be able to do it forever, and running was my current voyager, until I landed in my first Bikram class in 2004.
Read moreThe Serpentine Wave of Transformation
One of the most common poses in yoga class is bhujangasana, cobra pose. This heart opener promotes flexibility through the spine. When in full asana, the yoga practitioner embodies the magnificence of wide-hooded cobra. No matter if your cobra is a baby or fully-hooded, the serpentine movement required of bhujangasana will open you into the energy of the cobra. This serpent energy is perfect to embrace as we near the new year.
Read moreThe Yoga Slump
The Yoga Slump: Every practitioner knows it – even your favorite teacher. You begin going to yoga, you love the way you feel after class, you see positive changes in your mood, your body, your outlook on life, and you start attending class pretty regularly. Then something happens – maybe a holiday, injury, fatigue -- where you are unable to make it to class. Suddenly, you realize, one missed class has turned into a few weeks absent on your mat. And as much as you want to get on your mat, you find yourself unmotivated and lacking the discipline to get-up and go to class.
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