The other day I had an anxiety dream: the kind of dream that played with my sense of worth by exposing me to a form of public shame. In my dream I was searching for ways to make me look reputable to other people. This anxiety dream clung to my skin reminding me that I must confront, release, or come to accept something occurring in my life. The practice of yoga is a practice of letting go.
Read moreTaking Heart into the Matter
Over the weekend I attended Meghan Maris’ Ethics of Yoga workshop. This workshop was a discussion of the yamas and niyamas, the moral codes in which to live by in action, thought, and word. What we think, how we act, and what we say are all bound by these codes of ethics so we can live a more thoughtful life and, in the process, create space for those around us to also live such a life.
Read moreBumping Against Ourselves
Many of us dream of theeasy life: a life in which opportunities arise without complications and we move effortlessly through our day in a happy state of bliss. In search for this idyllic state of living, we dread obstacles and disdain struggle and conflict. Yet, we need the resistance of opposing ideas, the clash of contrasting expectation, and the work of climbing the metaphorical career ladder, in order to for us to grow.
Read moreThe Cosmic Dance
In the natural world circles are abundant: earth, sun, tree rings, your eye pupils. Almost every ancient culture uses the circle as a symbol to represent a myriad of meanings including the cycle of life, spiritual growth, completeness, and unity. In Hindu mythology, every time you take the shape ofNatarajasana, dancer’s pose, you embrace the cycle of birth, life, and death.
Read moreStretching Limits
A misconception is people need to be flexible to do yoga.
Read moreBelief in Patience
In our busy lives, to rush becomes a natural rhythm. We rush in and out of relationships, jobs, and desires. Many of us are constantly rushing but where are we going?
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