Are your hamstrings tight, overstretched, or strained? Do you feel like no matter how you stretch you are unable to improve your range of motion? Whatever your hamstring quandary is, Hamstring Lab is the answer!
In this 2-hr workshop, you will learn how to safely lengthen tight hamstrings and prevent injury. With a focus on the hamstrings in yoga asana and in daily life, we will cover: Anatomy, Pelvic Tilt, Lifestyle factors, Injury and Prevention, the action of a Forward fold, and Variations/modifications for postures.
Format: Lecture for 30 minutes, 15 minutes questions/trouble shooting, Practice for 1 hours, 15 minutes wiggle room. The handout will include some basic reminders about safe and effective hamstring work and a mini home practice for mobilizing or strengthening.
Teacher: Emily Light
Cost: $30