Reflections From Molly Lannon Kenny

It's been just exactly one month since I headed south from the Emerald City to the Rose City, from the color of the heart chakra to the color of the heart center. It was my very first time teaching my newest workshop series, Yoga and Social Change, and I was excited, nervous and inspired to share with and learn from my friends to the south. That first night, as soon as I arrived at Yoga Bhoga, I knew that I had come home, or arrived at another place where I felt totally comfortable and totally encouraged. The studio was as bright and warm as the hearts with which I connected and my nervousness soon transformed to joyous, grateful energy as I soaked in the dedication, curiosity, selflessness and deep compassion of my Portland students and colleagues. The weekend unfolded with joy and humor, and I was overwhelmed by the presence of all of these Boddhisattva's who were dedicated to sharing the gift of Yoga with anyone who would benefit. Scott Lennartz, Yoga Bhoga's owner and chief steward, his devoted students, and a few of his teachers who are also my students, grounded the audience in a place of love, humility and open mindedness. All of the new students we met that weekend revealed themselves to be every bit as committed and gracious, not just to me, not just to each other, but to help create a world with less suffering and more love. As I headed back from the rose to the green my heart was lighter and more on fire than ever.

We are all in this together. We really can be the change we wish to see in the world. And we can uplift and inspire one another through our hearts, our words, our actions, and above all our Yoga. Thank you Portland, thank you Yoga Bhoga, thank you Scott, from the very depths of the rain forest of my heart.

Molly Lannon Kenny, MS-CCC Founder and Executive Director

Dancing the Five Vayus ~ A Yoga Synthesis

What is Visionary Yoga? From an earlier blog post I will share again a brief description of Visionary yoga as a term coined to bring attention to both the inner vision and manifesting outer inspirations that we can bring into the world through yoga. From visual arts, to new world views and social movements, to living systems design for waste and energy management ~ there is no limit to the inspirations of our practice and how we can ground it into our everyday world.Dancing the Five Vayus as a practice supports the embodiment of Visionary Yoga through the cultivation of inner space and awareness through our attention to subtle energies in our breath and movement, with benefits for our yoga both on and off the mat.

What is Dreaming Co:Nexus?

Succinctly, it is a Healing Arts Collaborative. Most famous for live painting collaborations and art with healing intentions for the individual and cultural collective levels. The Visionary Yoga series which began with the Chandra Namaskar on the Winter Solstice is a natural, yet new direction.

In an auspicious and unplanned alignment, David Heskin and Aloria Weaver, co-founders of Dreaming Conexus and Art Spirit Now, will be presenting at Alchemeyez Visionary Art Congress on the Big Island of Hawaii at the same time that we host the Visionary Yoga event of Dancing the Five Vayus at Yoga Bhoga in Portland on May 14.

The Vayus events will feature the art of Aloria Weaver in the form of her Chakra Scroll

Why the connection between Dance and Yoga?

On a personal level the complimentary practices of yoga and dance have become a natural fusion for me over the years. As a practitioner of ecstatic dance, an ecstatic dance facilitator and a yoga teacher it is an obvious bridge to make. The purpose of offering Dancing the Five Vayus is to bring even more of the connection between the two into light through an exploration of breath and energy from the heart of Yoga.

What is Dancing the Five Vayus?

It is a synthesis that I have been developing over the past several years through the integration of several concepts and the study of many complimentary systems of thought and yogic philosophy.

At a most practical level it will include creating a space to begin on our mats, and to maintain that yogic focus and presence, while also offering the invitation to dance off our mats, exploring the expansion of our movement through the flow of our asana practice and beyond. Essentially it is about stretching the edge between form and flow in our practice. The musing themes of the movements of Prana (the Five Vayus) create a shared focal point for the exploratory movement connecting the traditional shapes of our asanas and expanding into our authentic movement in the moment.

You can think of it as an opportunity to stretch and move as you are inspired, responding to the motivations for movement that your body is called to through deep listening, breathing, some verbal cues and the inspiration of those around you.

The introductory sessions, May 14th and June 4th, will include an overview of the Five Vayus with a description of each, following by a musically inspired, self-directed practice with both an invitation to follow the map of the Vayus, and supportive cues from a facilitator.

The long-term vision for the practice is to offer longer immersive journeys with the material, as well as a 6 week series format for diving more deeply into the rich content surrounding each of the Five Vayus.

Want to know more? Feel free to ask Keala when you see him in the studio or email him directly. You can also just come and join us for the practice Saturday May 14 or June 4th from 6:30-8:30pm, the cost of this special offering is $15.

Reflections: Portland, Oregon

I enjoy traveling in Oregon, finding friendly people in Portland to play with, and having a great connection with the AcroYoga kula/community at Yoga Bhoga. It was a bit of a surprising awesome-ness since I was prepared for 11 students/flying friends and was gifted with 23 flying, willing yoga people! In our (brief) two hours together, we engaged in partner conditioning, activating our centers, and tuning our power lines in relationship to one another, leading us to take on acrobatic flights in Star Flights transitions to floating paschi and/or box. (Curious? Check out an upcoming workshop at Yoga Bhoga!)

The support and awareness of the group together allowed everyone to strive towards their highest potential. An intentional, safe container, set up within the energy of the Yoga Bhoga community, allowed everyone to explore the possibilities of the AcroYoga practice. Thank you for hosting me and I look forward to returning June 10-12th 2011 for an AcroYoga Acrobatic Spin Cycle at Yoga Bhoga.